Waverly Trail Day - Saturday, 18 July

Friday, July 17, 2009

Waverly Trail Day
Sat Jul 18 9am – 12pm
(Timezone: Eastern Time)
Main Parking Lot
Calendar: Mountain Bike Depot

Chris Ward is leading a trail day at Waverly Park! Open space access is at a premium these days, and we are really fortunate to have Waverly at our fingertips. Come out and show your support!
We will be meeting in the main parking lot by the playground at 9am. Remember Metro Parks has trail days for volunteer efforts scheduled for every third Saturday of the month.
Metro Parks will be there as well. Tools will be provided.
KyMBA membership is not required to participate in the trail day, so come on out and have at it!
Thanks to anybody that can make it out! For more info, email the shop or check the BikeClicks thread: http://www.bikeclicks.com/Community/KyMBA/tabid/1946/aff/147/aft/25054/afv/topic/afpgj/1/Default.aspx#27965
