Cherokee Park Trail Day - Saturday, April 3rd 12-4pm

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A message from Chuck Clark, KyMBA trail crew co-leader:

The next trail crew in Cherokee is scheduled for this coming Saturday (April 3rd) between 12-4. It should be a great weekend to ride beforehand and then do some work if you want.

One thing that will be changing from previous trail crews is the location. Due to a delay in trail design, we will switch gears to focus on the KyMBA Downhill or Beech Tree Hill. Most of you will probably be familiar with the large, fallen beech tree that the trail goes through on this section of trail. 

There will be no major project, but several small ones including:
- improving trail section as it goes just underneath of fallen beech tree. Elimination of braking bumps, removal of logs, etc. will be focus.
- closing of rogue walking trails all up and down that hillside with branches, logs, etc.
- deberming in a few areas on hillside and flat
- if there is enough time and manpower, I would love to tune up those berms on the switchback.

If you have a spot or two you would like to focus on this popular hillside, please come on out and help. Tools will be provided. Bring gloves. I think Olmsted normally brings some water, but the temps will be warm this weekend.

This Google map link shows the parking lot near the archery range where Beals Branch Rd and the Scenic Loop come together. Walk up the hillside via the trail entrance/exit and look for the trailcrew. 
Hope to see you there!


Ladies' Night with Moving Comfort - Monday, 3/22

Thursday, March 18, 2010

- Monday, March 22 5-7PM

Join us for a bit of wine and cheese, and some expert advice on bra fit.  Kela Robinson, Moving Comfort sportsbra fit expert, will provide much-needed advice on the proper bra fit. We'll also have special pricing on Moving Comfort garments and a drawing for a free bra.

See you all on Monday!

O'Bannon Woods Trail Day - Sunday, March 14th, 10:00am

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Remember that clocks "spring forward" one hour this weekend!  Also, volunteer six hours to our local trails and receive a 25% discount in our shop or The Trail Store!

A message from Chris Ward:

We plan to work from 10am - 1pm on the Fire Tower trail that was built last Summer.  We have a few areas of the trail that need to be rock armored to be able to support riding during the spring and fall seasons.  Some of these sections either have springs or seeps that are keeping the areas wet. Other areas have suffered damage from freeze-thaw that needs to be repaired.   Riding season is getting closer, so this is an important task that needs to be completed to get the trail in good riding condition.  We will need lots of help!

If conditions allow we will ride afterward. 


Cherokee Park Trail Volunteer Opportunity - Saturday, 3/6

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A message from crew leader Chuck Clark:

OK! I think it’s pretty safe to say the trail crew this weekend WILL NOT be snowed out.

Everything is as previous except the times will be 10-2 this Saturday, 3/6. Might be a good day to bring the road bike (gasp!) and venture out afterward as the temps are forecasted to be in the 50’s. Unfortunately, it will be freezing every night beforehand, so the trails will likely be very soft (which means unfit to ride!).

Please forward to anyone that might be interested. The hyperlink in the e-mail below will help anyone with directions, etc.


Chuck Clark

KYMBA Trail Crew Thread

Spring Thaw Sale

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Spring Thaw Sale is coming next week, March 9 - 13th! Stay tuned to our Twitter Account to learn about the Twitter Deal of the Day!
